Hoşgeldiniz, Giriş Yapın veya Kayıt Olun.
The object of this chapter is to give the general background of volume graphics together with a general classification. It is important to mention that there is not a complete agreement on a standard volume visualization vocabulary yet, a nomenclature is approaching consensus, where multiple terms exist for the same concept. And even a standard classification of volume visualization algorithms is not available. The classification of the algorithms given below is therefore not binding. All of the names of the algorithms are carefully taken into consideration and emphasized.
Volume visualization has been the most active sub-area of researches during last 20 years in scientific visualization. To be useful, volume visualization techniques must offer understandable data representations, quick data manipulation, and reasonably fast rendering. Scientific users should be able to change parameters and see the resultant image instantly. Few present day systems are capable of this type of performance; therefore researchers are still studying many new ways to use volume visualization effectively.
The rendering approaches differ in several aspects which can be used for their detailed classification in various ways [8, 9, 17-21]. Coarsely, volume visualization is done using two different approaches based on the portion of the volume raster set which they render; (Figure 1.4, Figure 1.5)
1.Surface rendering (or indirect volume rendering),
2.Volume rendering (or direct volume rendering).
Figure 1.4: Classification of volume visualization algorithms
Surface rendering (indirect rendering or surface oriented) algorithms are standard for nearly all 3D visualization problems. Surface oriented algorithms first fit geometric primitives to values in the data, and then render these primitives. The data values are usually chosen from an iso-surface, which is the set of locations in the data where the scalar field equals some value. In typical datasets from medical or scientific applications, the iso-surface forms a connected surface, such as the air/skin or brain/bone boundary in a CT dataset. With dedicated vector hardware, these models can be calculated very efficiently. Examples of surface oriented hardware are Reality Engine, HP, SUN, IBM, and PIXAR. Typical visualization problems to be solved in the medical context are e.g. tissues that have no defined surface or blood vessels whose size is close to the limit of imaging resolution. However surface oriented methods leave these problems unsolved.
An indirect volume rendering system transforms the data into a different domain (e.g., compression, boundary representation, etc.). Typically, the data is transformed into a set of polygons representing a level surface (or iso-surface); then conventional polygon rendering methods are used to project the polygons into an image [9]. Many methods exist for indirect volume rendering (surface rendering), which are defined as visualizing a volumetric dataset by first transferring the data into a different domain and rendering directly from the new domain. Indirect volume rendering can be classified as surface tracking, iso-surfacing, and domain-based rendering. Indirect methods are often chosen because of a particular form of hardware acceleration or because of a speed advantage [4, 10, 14, 17, 19-22].
Figure 1.5:Detailed classification of volume rendering algorithms
Volume rendering (oriented) algorithmsrender every voxel in the volume raster directly, without conversion to geometric primitives or first converting to a different domain and then rendering from that domain. They usually include an illumination model which supports semi-transparent voxels; this allows rendering where every voxel in the volume is (potentially) visible. Each voxel contributes to the final 2D projection [18-21].
Surface tracking is a surface reconstruction process that constructs a geometric surface from a volumetric dataset by following the faces of the voxels residing on the surface boundary. The boundary is defined by a thresholding, classification, or surface detection process. Given a threshold value, a closed contour is traced for each data slice (Figure 1.6) and then the contours in adjacent slices are connected and a tessellation, usually of triangles, is performed (Figure 1.7).
Figure 1.6:Contour tracing
Thresholdingis a segmentation operation that assigns a value 1 to a cell in Scene B if the corresponding cell in Scene A has an intensity that falls within a specified intensity interval and that assigns a value 0 to the cell otherwise. A less general thresholding operation is one in which a single intensity value is specified. If a cell's intensity in Scene A is above this value, it is assigned a value 1 in Scene B, and a value 0, otherwise. Classification is a process of converting a given set of scenes into a scene, all with identical domains, or into a non-binary shell. If the output is a scene, its cell intensity represents fuzziness or a membership value of the cell in the object of interest. In the case of a non-binary shell, the fuzziness or the membership value is retained as one of the property values associated with the shell elements.
Figure 1.7:Examples of a contoured data that are tessellated
Surface tracking methods are well-known and effectively used for smooth surfaces. These algorithms are known as surface extraction, feature extraction, surface tiling, polygonization, tessellation, triangulation, tracing or meshing [23-31].
Surface Detection (iso-surface) is an operation that given a scene outputs a connected surface as a binary shell. Connectedness means that within the output shell it is possible to reach to any shell element from any shell element without leaving the shell. If the input is a binary scene, the shell constitutes a connected interface between 1-cells and 0-cells. If the input is a (grey) scene, the interface between the interior and exterior of the structure is usually difficult to determine. Thresholding can be used to determine this interface, in which the shell constitutes essentially a connected interface between cells that satisfy the threshold criterion and cells that do not. In a particular thresholding operation specified by a single intensity value, the resulting surface is called an iso-surface. The common iso-surfacing algorithms are Opaque Cubes (Cuberille), Marching Cubes, Marching Tetrahedra, and Dividing Cubes.
This algorithm was one of the first widely used methods for visualizing volume data. It was first proposed in [32], and involves deciding whether a particular volume element is a part of the surface or not. It simply visualizes the cells that are a part of the iso-surface. The first step in the cuberilles algorithm is to ensure that the volume is made up of cubic voxels. A large number of volume datasets consist of a stack of 2 dimensional slices [33]. If the distance between the slices is larger than the size of the pixels in the slice then the data must be resampled so that the gap between the slices is in the same size as the pixels. The second stage of the algorithm involves using a binary segmentation to decide which voxels belong to the object and which do not. This should, hopefully, produce a continuous surface of voxels through which the surface in the data passes. These voxels are joined together and the surface of the object is then approximated by the surfaces of the individual voxels which make up the surface.
The algorithm visualizes the cells that are intersected by the iso-surface in the following way. In the first stage, for each cell in the dataset intersected by the iso-surface, 6 polygons are generated representing the faces of the cell. In the second stage, for each polygon, polygon is rendered in an appropriate color.
The algorithm is easy and straightforward to implement. Finding and rendering the surface is fast. The first stage of the algorithm is parallelizable at the cell level. On the other hand, the final image might look jaggy, due to too less cells in the dataset, and the algorithm is fundamentally bad at showing small features. The blocky look of the final image can be reduced by using gradient shading during rendering.
A variation on the Opaque Cubes (Cuberille) algorithm is provided by marching cubes [34]. The basic notion is that we can define a voxel by the pixel values at the eight corners of the cube. If one or more pixels of a cube have values less than a user-specified isovalue (threshold), and one or more have values greater than this value, we conclude that the voxel must contribute some component of the iso-surface. By determining which edges of the cube are intersected by the iso-surface, we can create triangular patches which divide the cube between regions within the iso-surface and regions outside. By connecting the patches from all cubes on the iso-surface boundary, we get a surface representation.
The basic idea of the algorithm is for each cell through which an iso-surface passes to create small polygons approximating the surface within the cell. For the threshold value, some voxels will be entirely inside or outside the corresponding iso-surface and some voxels will be intersected by the iso-surface. In the first pass of the algorithm the voxels that are intersected by the threshold value are identified. In the second pass these voxels are examined and a set of one or more polygons is produced, which are then output for rendering. Each of the 8 vertices of a voxel can be either inside or outside the iso-surface value. The exact edge intersection points are determined and using 15 predefined polygon sets the polygons are created (Figure 1.8).
Figure 1.8: The 15 possible cases
The original algorithm proposed has several ambiguous cases which can lead to holes in the final image. These ambiguities occur either when a wrong decision is made about whether a vertex is inside or outside a surface, or if the triangles chosen do not fit together properly. A number of extensions have been proposed to the marching cubes algorithm to avoid the ambiguous cases. These include marching tetrahedra and dividing cubes. Both the marching cubes and opaque cubes (cuberille) algorithms involve an intermediate approximation of the surfaces in the data set using geometric primitives. This technique has a number of disadvantages:
1. There is a loss of accuracy when visualizing small or fuzzy details.
2. The assumptions which are made about the data may not necessarily be valid. This particularly applies to the assumption that the surfaces exist within the data to map the geometric primitives onto.
3. Unless the original information is stored along with the geometric representation, the information on the interior of the surfaces is lost.
The first two disadvantages listed here are directly linked to the requirement to map geometric primitives onto the data. While this method works well for some data sets, it breaks down when there are small details on a similar scale to the grid size in the data, and when well defined surfaces do not exist. These issues, along with the worry of losing the original data, led to the development of another class of algorithm, volume rendering.
One obvious problem with marching cubes is the amount of memory needed to store the resulting surface. Another problem arises when a filled space of voxels is not available. Depending on how the volume data was acquired there may be voids which need to be assigned values or circumnavigated in the surface generation algorithm. Any interpolated value used may reduce the validity of the resulting surface [33, 35, 36].
The Dividing cubes algorithm is an extension to or optimization of the Marching Cubes. It was designed to overcome the problem of the superfluous number of triangles with that algorithm[37]. Instead of, as in the marching cube algorithm, calculating the approximate iso-surface through a cell, the Dividing cubes algorithm first projects all cells that are intersected by the iso-surface to the image/screen space. If a cell projects to a larger area than a pixel it is divided into sub-cells and rendered as a surface point. Otherwise the whole cell is rendered as a surface point. After the surface points are determined, the gradients can be calculated, using interpolation between the original cells. With the given gradient, the shading can be calculated and finally the image can be rendered. Surface points can be rendered into the image buffer directly, because there are no intermediate surface primitives used. This is done by using standard computer graphics hidden-surface removal algorithms. This algorithm works far more faster than the marching cubes even when there is no any rendering hardware available. The algorithm is also parallelizable.
To perform the marching cubes algorithm, one way is to split a cube into some number of tetrahedra, and perform a marching tetrahedra algorithm [38-41]. The general idea here is so simple that the number of cases to consider in marching tetrahedra is far less than the number of cases in marching cubes. Cells can be divided into 5, 6, or 24 tetrahedra.
The Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm is the same as the Marching Cubes Algorithm up to the point that, the cube is divided into 5 tetrahedron instead of 15 as depicted in Figure 1.9.
As we step across the cubic space, we must alternate the decomposition of the cubes into tetrahedra. For a given tetrahedron, each of it's vertices are classified as either lying inside or outside the tetrahedron. There are originally 16 possible configurations. If we remove the two cases where all four vertex are either inside or outside the iso-value, we are left with 14 configurations. Due to symmetry there are only three real cases.
Figure 1.9: The Tetrahedra orientation within a cube
Based on these cases, triangles are generated to approximate the iso-surface intersection with the tetrahedron. Like the Marching Cubes Algorithm, when all of the triangles generated by marching these tetrahedrons are rendered across the cubic region, an iso-surface approximation is obtained.
The 5 Tetrahedra case requires flipping adjacent cells; otherwise anomalous, unconnected surfaces are encountered. The Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm has great advantages over the Marching Cubes Algorithm because the three cases are easier to deal with than 15, and the code is more manageable. Another advantage of using the Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm to approximate an iso-surface is that a higher resolution is achieved. Basically the cubes of the Marching Cubes Algorithm are subdivided into smaller geometries (tetrahedrons). More triangles are generated per cube, and these triangles are able to approximate the iso-surface better.
The disadvantages of the Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm is basically that because it sub-divides the cubes into 5 more sub-regions, the number of triangles generated by the Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm is greater than the number of triangles generated by the Marching Cubes Algorithm. While the Marching Tetrahedra Algorithm generates better iso-surfaces, the time to render the iso-surfaces is higher than that of the Marching Cubes Algorithm.
Factors that affect the performance of the marching tetrahedra algorithm are 3D grid size, grid resolution, number of objects, threshold, radius of influence for an individual object, and strength of an individual object.
The frequency domain rendering [42] applies the Fourier slice projection theorem [43, 44], which states that a projection of a 3D data volume from a certain view direction can be obtained by extracting a 2D slice perpendicular to that view direction out of the 3D Fourier spectrum and then inverse Fourier transforming it (Figure 1.10) [45].
It is well-known that the integral of a 1D signal is equal to the value of its spectrum at the origin. The Fourier projection slice theorem extends this notion to higher dimensions. For a 3D volume, the theorem states that the following two are a Fourier transform pair:
1. The 2D image obtained by taking line integrals of the volume along rays perpendicular to the image plane,
2. The 2D spectrum obtained by extracting a slice from the Fourier transform of the volume along a plane that includes the origin and is parallel to the image plane.
Figure 1.10: Frequency domain rendering
Using this theorem, once a volume data is Fourier transformed an (orthographic) image for any viewing direction can be obtained by extracting a 2D slice of the 3D spectrum at the appropriate orientation and than inverse Fourier transforming it. This approach obtains the 3D volume projection directly from the 3D spectrum of the data, and therefore reduces the computational complexity for volume rendering. The complexity is dominated by the 2D inverse Fourier transform that is O(N2logN). Since logN grows slowly, the advantage of this approach over spatial domain algorithms is greater at large data sizes [42].
Despite their theoretical speed advantage, frequency domain volume rendering algorithms suffer from several well-known problems such as a high interpolation cost, high memory usage, and the lack of depth information. The first two problems are technical in nature and several solutions are proposed. The lack of occlusion is fundamental and so far no projection-slice-theorem is known that reproduces the integro-differential equation approximated by volume rendering algorithms [42, 43, 45-47].
As volume data sets grow bigger and larger, data compression algorithms are required to reduce the disk storage size, and potentially the memory size during rendering as well [48]. Data compression is an essential technology to achieve efficient volume visualization. Not only can it reduce the disk storage space with some effort, sometimes it can also be used to reduce the run-time memory requirement during the rendering process. There are basically two types of compression: lossless, and lossy compression. While lossless compression targets mainly at text documents, it can also be used to compress regular grids if data fidelity is crucial. Lossy compression, however, provides much higher compression efficiency, of course if data fidelity is not so crucial>
There are several possibilities to integrate volume data compression and volume rendering. The most naive way is to decompress the entire volume data set before rendering. This is simple and most flexible: different compression methods can be easily paired with different visualization methods. However there are three problems with this scheme [48]. The extra decompression time introduces a long start-up latency for the renderer. The data loading time, from the renderer?s point of view does not decrease despite the fact that the data sets are stored on disk in compressed form. The memory usage required for the renderer does not decrease, either. One might modify the renderer?s interface to eliminate the second problem by storing the uncompressed data set in memory without incurring additional disk I/O, but the first and third problems still remain.
To address the first issue, one can perform ?on-the-fly? rendering during compression. This means the renderer can start working almost immediately as soon as the first ?indivisible? unit of the data set is decompressed. This essentially reduces the start-up delay to the data loading time of the minimal data unit that the renderer can work on. In fact, the second issue is also solved, because the renderer does not need to hold the entire uncompressed data set but only the compressed form of it, by decompressing it on-the-fly. Furthermore, sometimes with the help of a ?garbage collection? scheme, the memory requirement for rendering could also be reduced, thus solving the third problem as well. However, this scheme may require significant modification to the rendering algorithm and some coordination effort between the decompressor and the renderer.
Another scheme to address the start-up latency and memory requirement problems is to perform on-the-fly decompression during rendering. This usually means the data set was initially partitioned into units of the same or different sizes and during rendering only these units that the renderer need will be decompressed. As the final goal here is to produce a rendered image, the on-the-fly decompression scheme is favorable since unnecessary decompression work may be avoided. Although the on-the-fly decompression scheme requires only a minor modification effort to the renderer, it suffers from the following problem: In order for each data unit to be compressed/decompressed independently of each other, some kind of partitioning must be done. If all these partitions are mutually disjointed, then rendered images may exhibit a ?blocky? effect. On the other hand, overlapping these partitions to remove these blocky artifacts leads to substantial severe storage overhead.
Another elegant way to integrate volume data compression and rendering is to perform rendering directly in the compression/transformed domain, thus avoiding decompression completely. Several methods have been proposed but each of them has its drawbacks: loss of quality, undesired artifacts, large storage overhead or exceedingly high implementation complexity.
Many compression algorithms applied to volume data sets are borrowed from the image compression world [49-53], simply because most of the time it can be directly generalized to deal with regular volume data. Among them are Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Vector Quantization, Fractal Compression, Laplacian Decomposition/Compression, and Wavelet Decomposition /Compression.
A wavelet is a fast decaying function with zero averaging. The nice features of wavelets are that they have a local property in both spatial and frequency domain, and can be used to fully represent the volumes with a small number of wavelet coefficients [54]. Muraki [55] first applied wavelet transform to volumetric data sets, Gross et al. [56] found an approximate solution for the volume rendering equation using orthonormal wavelet functions, and Westermann [57] combined volume rendering with wavelet-based compression. However, all of these algorithms have not focused on the acceleration of volume rendering using wavelets. The greater potential of wavelet domain, based on the elegant multi-resolution hierarchy provided by the wavelet transform, is still far from being fully utilized for volume rendering. A possible research and development is to exploit the local frequency variance provided by wavelet transform and accelerate the volume rendering in homogeneous area.
Direct volume rendering algorithms can be classified according to the order that the algorithm traverses the volume data [4, 10, 14, 20-22]. Object-order rendering is also called forward rendering, or object-space rendering or voxel space projection. The simplest way to implement viewing is to traverse all the volume regarding each voxel as a 3D point that is transformed by the viewing matrix and then projected onto a Z-buffer and drawn onto the screen. The data samples are considered with a uniform spacing in all three directions. If an image is produced by projecting all occupied voxels to the image plane in an arbitrary order, a correct image is not guaranteed. If two voxels project to the same pixel on the image plane, the one that was projected later will prevail, even if it is farther from the image plane than the earlier projected voxel. This problem can be solved by traversing the data samples in a back-to-front or front-to-back order. This visibility ordering is used for the detailed classification of object order rendering.
Earliest rendering algorithms sorted the geometric primitives according to their distance to the viewing plane [58]. These algorithms solve the hidden surface problem by visiting the primitives in depth order, from farthest to nearest, and scan-converting each primitive into the screen buffer. Because of the order in which the primitives are visited, closer objects overwrite farther objects, which solve the hidden surface problem (at least as long as the primitives do not form a visibility cycle). Such methods are referred to as painter?s algorithms and as list-priority algorithms. By definition, any painter?s algorithm requires sorting the primitives. However, because of their structure, volume grids often afford a trivial sort, which simply involves indexing the volume elements in the proper order[19].
This algorithm is essentially the same as the Z-buffer method with one exception that is based on the observation that the voxel array is presorted in a fashion that allows scanning of its components in an order of decreasing distance from the observer. This avoids the need for a Z-buffer for hidden voxel removal considerations by applying the painter?s algorithm by simply drawing the current voxel on top of previously drawn voxels or by compositing the current voxel with the screen value [4, 10, 14, 22, 33, 59].
It is based on the simple observation that, given a volume grid and a view plane, for each grid axis there is a traversal direction that visits the voxels in the order of decreasing distances to the view plane. A 2D example of this is given in Figure 1.11 [19].
Figure 1.11: A 2D example of the BTF visibility ordering
Here the origin is the farthest point from the view plane, and traversing the grid in the order of increasing values of x and y always visits voxels in the order of decreasing distances. This extends naturally to 3D. The choice of which index changes fastest can be arbitrary ? although.
Figure 1.12: A cube rendered with the BTF visibility ordering. Note the visibility error along the top of the cube
BTF method can support efficient methods of accessing the volume data by taking into account how the data is stored on disk. It also allows rendering when only some slices but not the entire volume will fit into memory. While the BTF ordering correctly renders orthographic projections, it does not to work for perspective projections. This is demonstrated in Figure 1.12.
Westover gives the Westover back-to-front (WBTF) visibility ordering [60, 61]. The WBTF ordering is similar to the BTF ordering in that each grid axis is traversed in the direction that visits voxels in the order of decreasing distances to the view plane. The algorithm goes farther than the BTF technique in that it also chooses a permutation of the grid axes, such that the slowest changing axis is the axis that is most perpendicular to the view plane, while the quickest changing axis is the one that is most parallel to the view plane [19].
The V-BUFFER traversal ordering is similar to the WBTF traversal in that it processes the volume data in slices which are as parallel as possible to the view plane hence the orderings are the same. It differs in that it uses a more complicated ?concentric sweep? to order the voxels in each slice. The sweep strictly orders the voxels according to increasing distances from the view plane. An example of the ordering for one slice is shown in Figure 1.13. When the viewing plane is beyond one corner of the slice, the voxels are visited in the diagonal pattern shown. This differs from the WBTF ordering, which accesses each slice in a scanline fashion, and hence does not visit the voxels in a strict distance ordering.
Figure 1.13: The V-BUFFER visibility ordering within each slice
This algorithm is essentially the same as BTF only that now the voxels are traversed in an increasing distance order. It should be observed that while in the basic Z-buffer method it is impossible to support the rendition of semitransparent materials since the voxels are mapped to the screen in an arbitrary order. Compositing is based on a computation that simulates the passage of light through several materials. In this computation the order of materials is crucial. Therefore, translucency can easily be realized in both BTF and FTB in which objects are mapped to the screen in the order in which the light traverses the scene [4, 10, 14, 22, 33].
The most important algorithm of the object order family is the splatting algorithm [61-63]. One way of achieving volume rendering is to try to reconstruct the image from the object space to the image space, by computing the contribution of every element in the dataset to the image. Each voxel's contribution to the image is computed and added to the other contributions. The algorithm works by virtually ?throwing? the voxels onto the image plane. In this process every voxel in the object space leaves a footprint in the image space that will represent the object. The computation is processed by virtually slice by slice, and by accumulating the result in the image plane.
The first step is to determine in what order to traverse the volume. The closest face (and corner) to the image plane is determined. Then the closest voxels are splatted first. Each voxel is given a color and opacity according to the look up tables set by the user. These values are modified according to the gradient.
Next, the voxel is projected into the image space. To compute the contribution for a particular voxel, a reconstruction kernel is used. For an orthographic projection a common kernel is a round Gaussian (Figure 1.14). The projection of this kernel into the image space (called its footprint) is computed. The size is adjusted according to the relative sizes of the volume and the image plane so that the volume can fill the image. Then the center of the kernel is placed at the center of the voxel's projection in the image plane (note that this does not necessarily correspond to a pixel center). Then the resultant shade and opacity of a pixel is determined by the sum of all the voxel contributions for that pixel, weighted by the kernel.
Figure 1.14: The splatting process reconstruction and resampling with the 2D filter kernel
Image-order rendering (also called backward mapping, ray casting, pixel space projection, or image-space rendering) techniques are fundamentally different from object-order rendering techniques. Instead of determining how a data sample affects the pixels on the image plane, we determine the data samples for each pixel on the image plane, which contribute to it.
In ray casting, rays are cast into the dataset. Each ray originates from the viewing (eye) point, and penetrates a pixel in the image plane (screen), and passes through the dataset. At evenly spaced intervals along the ray, sample values are computed using interpolation. The sample values are mapped to display properties such as opacity and color. A local gradient is combined with a local illumination model at each sample point to provide a realistic shading of the object. Final pixel values are found by compositing the color and opacity values along the ray. The composition models the physical reflection and absorption of light [4].
In ray casting, because of high computational requirements of volume rendering, the data needs to be processed in a pipelined and parallel manner. They offer a flexibility for algorithmic optimizations, but accessing the volume memory in a non-predictable manner significantly slows down the memory performance. The data flow diagram of a ray casting system is shown in Figure 1.15.
Figure 1.15:The data flow diagram of a ray casting system
Any ray casting implementation requires a memory system, ray path calculation, interpolation, gradient estimation, classification, shading, and composition [4, 64]. The memory system provides the necessary voxel values at a rate which ultimately dictates the performance of the architecture. The ray-path calculation determines the voxels that are penetrated by a given ray: it is tightly coupled with the organization of the memory system. The interpolation estimates the value at a re-sample location using a small neighborhood of voxel values. The gradient estimation estimates a surface normal using a neighborhood of voxels surrounding the re-sample location. The classification maps interpolated sample values and the estimated surface normal to a color and opacity. The shading uses the gradient and classification information to compute a color that takes the interaction of light into account on the estimated surfaces in the dataset. The composition uses shaded color values and the opacity to compute a final pixel color to display. Ray casting can be classified into two sub-classes according to the level of interpolation used [14]:
1. Algorithms that use a zero order interpolation,
2. Algorithms that use a higher order interpolation.
Algorithms that use a zero order interpolation are Binary Ray Casting, and Discrete Ray Casting. Binary Ray Casting was developed to generate images of surfaces contained within binary volumetric data without the need to explicitly perform boundary detection and hidden-surface removal. For each pixel on the image plane, a ray is cast from that pixel to determine if it intersects the surface contained within the data. In order to determine the first intersection along the ray a stepping technique is used where the value is determined at regular intervals along the ray until the object is intersected. Data samples with a value of 0 are considered to be the background while those with a value of 1 are considered to be a part of the object [65]. In Discrete Ray Casting, instead of traversing a continuous ray and determining the closest data sample for each step, a discrete representation of the ray is traversed [14]. This discrete ray is generated using a 3D Bresenham-like algorithm or a 3D line scan-conversion (voxelization) algorithm [66, 67]. As in the previous algorithms, for each pixel in the image plane, the data samples which contribute to it need to be determined. This could be done by casting a ray from each pixel in the direction of the viewing ray. This ray would be discretized (voxelized), and the contribution from each voxel along the path is considered when producing the final pixel value [68].
Algorithms that use a higher order interpolation are the image order volume rendering algorithm of Levoy, V-Buffer image order ray casting , and V-Buffer cell-by-cell processing. The image-order volume rendering algorithm developed by Levoy [69] states that given an array of data samples , two new arrays which define the color and opacity at each grid location can be generated using preprocessing techniques. The interpolation functions which specify the sample value, color, and opacity at any location in volume, are then defined by using transfer functions proposed by him. Generating the array of color values involves performing a shading operation. In V-Buffer image order ray casting method, rays are cast from each pixel on the image plane into the volume. For each cell in the volume along the path of this ray, a scalar value is determined at the point where the ray first intersects the cell. The ray is then stepped along until it traverses the entire cell, with calculations for scalar values, shading, opacity, texture mapping, and depth cuing performed at each stepping point. This process is repeated for each cell along the ray, accumulating color and opacity, until the ray exits the volume, or the accumulated opacity reaches to unity. At this point, the accumulated color and opacity for that pixel are stored, and the next ray is cast. The goal of this method is not to produce a realistic image, but instead to provide a representation of the volumetric data which can be interpreted by a scientist or an engineer. In V-Buffer cell-by-cell processing method each cell in the volume is processed in a front-to-back order [14, 70]. Processing begins on the plane closest to the viewpoint, and progresses in a plane-by-plane manner. Within each plane, processing begins with the cell closest to the viewpoint, and then continues in the order of increasing distance from the viewpoint. Each cell is processed by first determining for each scan line in the image plane which pixels are affected by the cell. Then, for each pixel an integration volume is determined. This process continues in a front-to-back order, until all cells have been processed, with an intensity accumulated into pixel values.
This approach to volume rendering adopts the advantages of both object-order and image-order algorithms, and is known as hybrid projection. They may be a combination of both image order approach and object order approach or do not fall into either one of them [48]. V-Buffer algorithm [70] is given as an example of hybrid traversal in [20, 48, 71]. V-Buffer algorithm divides data set into cells, and render it cell-by-cell, which makes it an object order method. But within each cell ray-casting is used, therefore it is a hybrid approach. In [22] the volume data set is rendered by first shearing the volume slice to make ray traversal trivial, and then warps the intermediate image to the final image. EM-Cube [72] is a parallel ray casting engine that implements a hybrid order algorithm [71]. The most popular hybrid algorithm is the shear-warp factorization.
Image-order algorithms have the disadvantage that the spatial data structure must be traversed once for every ray, resulting in redundant computations [69]. Object-order algorithms operate through the volume data in the storage order making it difficult to implement an early ray termination, an effective optimization in ray-casting algorithms [73]. The shear-warp algorithm [22] combines the advantages of image-order and object-order algorithms. The method is based on a factorization of the viewing matrix into a 3D shear parallel to the slices of the volume data, a projection to form a distorted intermediate image, and a 2D warp to produce the final image. The advantage of shear-warp factorizations is that scanlines of the volume data and scanlines of the intermediate image are always aligned.
The arbitrary nature of the transformation from object space to image space complicates efficient, high-quality filtering and projection in object-order volume rendering algorithms. This problem is solved by transforming the volume to an intermediate coordinate system for which there is a very simple mapping from the object coordinate system and which allows an efficient projection. The intermediate coordinate system is called sheared object space and by construction, in sheared object space all viewing rays are parallel to the third coordinate axis.
Figure 1.16: A volume is transformed to sheared object space for a parallel projection by translating each slice. The projection in sheared object space is simple and efficient
Figure 1.17: The shear-warp algorithm includes three conceptual steps: shear and resample the volume slices, project resampled voxel scanlines onto intermediate image scanlines, and warp the intermediate image into the final image
Figure 1.16 and Figure 1.17 illustrates the transformation from object space to sheared object space for a parallel projection. The volume is assumed to be sampled on a rectilinear grid. After the transformation the volume data is sheared parallel to the set of slices that is most perpendicular to the viewing direction and the viewing rays are perpendicular to the slices.
There are three variations of shear warp algorithm. Parallel projection rendering algorithm is optimized for parallel projections and assumes that the opacity transfer function does not change between renderings, but the viewing and shading parameters can be modified. Perspective projection rendering algorithm supports perspective projections. Fast classification algorithm allows the opacity transfer function to be modified as well as the viewing and shading parameters, with a moderate performance penalty.
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